Katie Go Now!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

While we're talking about strangers

This week I did a rare thing and took the Jardine shuttle to the Union.

It was early in the morning and I was on the verge of being late to meet a friend for some project help.

Random guy next to me: backwards hat, huge diamond earring, awkward white kid peach fuzz, oversized "sk8r" shirt. (My thoughts: "tool." Again, it was very early.)

He smiled when I sat down and said, "Happy Monday."

How friendly! I smiled back and said thanks. He kept up the nice small talk, mostly about classes. And aside from responding to everything I said with "rock on, rock on." he really wasn't that much of a tool.

As we were getting off the bus, I noticed his iPod earbud in one ear.

"What are you listening to?"
"Ray Charles."

...I guess you never really know about people.



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